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If you want to index backlinks quickly and easily then you are in luck, because today I am going to show you which backlink indexer strategies actually work.
Getting your backlinks indexed is critical to the success of any link building campaign.
There is no point creating links if Google doesn’t index them you are just wasting your time, energy and money.
 backlinks used to be a lot easier than it is today, we could just ping them or create RSS feeds and submit them to RSS directories.
That was highly effective a couple of years ago – but what about now? What is the best way to index your backlinks?

What You Will Learn

  • How to index backlinks
  • Which backlink indexer strategy is a waste of time
  • Which backlink indexing method is a waste of money
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My Backlink Indexer Case Study

To find out what is the most effective way to index backlinks I decided to setup a test to measure the results of different backlink indexer approaches.
I created 5,000 links across 5 separate projects in GSA Search Engine Ranker building links to a dummy site using article directories, social bookmarks, wikis & web 2.0s.
I used Kontent Machine with the worst possible combination of settings to purposely generate the worst possible auto generated spun content you have ever seen.
The type of content people claim is impossible to index and useless in link building.
So once each of the 5 projects had 1,000 verified links – I moved onto indexing them with different methods & services.

Ping Farm

PingFarm is a free indexing service that a lot of people in forums swear by. In essence all it does is ping your backlinks and nothing more.
This is one of the oldest methods in the book that died off years ago but its still a tool many use.


The Indemnification guys basically create short URL’s of your links, ping them, create & submit RS feeds, create & ping sitemaps and also create & ping content pages with your links on.
They guarantee that Google will at least crawl every single link you submit to them. You can submit 50,000 links per day for $17.97 month.


The Indexed service works in pretty much exactly the same way as Indexification. They use the same indexing methods except they have a unique feature called PingCloud.
However it does cost slightly more at $24.97 a month to process 50,000 links per day.


The Overindulging team do not reveal the methods they use to index your links. All I know is that they use ‘secret techniques’ that ‘is not pinging, rss or link building’.
However these secret techniques come at a greater cost – $17 to process 1,000 links per day or $47 / 10,000 per day or $97 / 30,000 per day.

Control Group

The 5th project I created with GSA was a control group of links. These links will not be submitted to any indexing service or pinged in any way, shape or form.
This will give us a benchmark to measure the other services against to see if indexing services do actually work or not.

Link Indexing Case Study Results

Remember each of the 4 services and control project above had a set of 1,000 verified links each created using the absolute worst quality content I could generate.
I submitted each set of links into their respective indexing services and then index checked the links daily using Scrape box for 15 days.
Quite often Scrape box reports links aren’t indexed but when you check yourself, they are. To avoid this I ran a ‘double pass’ index check every day double checking if links are indexed or not.

The Results Are In

Here is a quick summary of the results after 15 days looking at the total % of links indexed.
ServiceDay 1Day 7Day 15
Ping Farm8.36%9.70%10.27%
As you can see the results are pretty clear cut, especially when you look at it in graph form-
Day 1Day 7Day 15153045ControlIndexifictionLindexedOneHourIndexingPingFarm
Day 710.428.099.1251.629.7
Day 1511.4425.8910.2951.6210.27

Wrapping It Up

Without a doubt Overindulging is by far the best link indexing service money can buy. It absolutely dominated the results.
Interestingly using the paid Indexed service or the free Ping Farm service offers absolutely zero benefits performing at the same level as the control group.
They are just a waste of time & money.
Using the Indemnification service does have some benefit but only gets half the links indexed than Overindulging.
However Overindulging is 4 times the price of Indemnification so that weighs into it.
The best backlink indexer
In my opinion – if you have already invested the time and money creating links. Then there is no point cutting corners when it comes to getting them indexed!

Back link Indexing Rankings

In summary here is what you need to know-
  1. Overindulging – The best service period.
  2. Indemnification – Half as good, 4 times cheaper.
  3. Indexed – Don’t waste your money.
  4. Ping Farm – Don’t waste your time.

The Best Way To Get Back links Indexed

  1. Wait unto 2 weeks for Google to find them naturally
  2. If they are not indexed, ping each of them which is free to do
  3. Wait another week
  4. If the back links are still not indexed submit them to Overindulging or Indemnification
  5. Track all of your results
  6. This process will guarantee your back links get indexed
So there you have it, if you want to get your links indexed use Overindulging. They are the best back link indexer. If you use Indexed or Ping farm, stop wasting your time & money.
The next time you see someone telling someone to ping back links to index them give them a slap with this post :)
Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by Overindulging. When I sell a sponsored post people are purely buying my time to look at something and not my opinion. If the buyers product/services performs poorly in tests I will publish that without refund. If you want to learn more about my sponsored post requirements please read this. You can independently verify the results by downloading a copy of the source data used in this case study here.
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Frequently Asked Questions

What does Google indexing mean?
Google indexing is when the websites that Google crawlers return to the database, are organised and indexed within the database to make them easily accessible when someone searches for the relevant keywords or phrases that match that website.
So in basic terms, Google indexing is like adding a tag to each website and filling it away.
How long does it take Google to recognize backlinks?
Google will recognize any new backlinks added to a site when it recrawls the website.
So the amount of time it takes for your backlinks to become SEO effective depends on how often your site is crawled. This varies depending on the type of site you have.
What is crawling and indexing?
Crawling and indexing are the processes that Google uses to add websites to its database.
The first stage is crawling, where Google bots go out into the web to find websites and crawling is when the websites found are then tagged and organised within the database.
